Essay: "Tens and tenths: decimalising calendar and angle"

Way back in first year, for an elective about soft mathematics (that wasn't the official description), I wrote an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of adopting further decimal units. I tidied it up a little, and here it is!

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Daedalus (A Video Game)

Hey all! Here's a thing I made for an Intro to Video Games unit at uni a while back, and it's actually not completely terrible? It's a Metroidvania-style game built in the Kodu game engine. It probably takes around five to ten minutes to finish.

You can download Kodu, which you'll need if you want to play the game, here. It's a pretty good way to get started making games, especially for kids (but adults too). 

File below. My proposal for the game is also included.

Daedalus (2014)