Literary Publications
From time to time, someone values my writing enough to put it on their website (or even in physical print!). These are those stories.
Volume 11, Issue 1: Plastic
March 2018
Non-fiction - “Money, Money, Money: Where have our scholarships gone?” (p. 12)
Volume 10, Issue 8: Lost Property
November 2018
Print & Online:
Longform Review - “Video Games & Mental Health” (p. 44)
Volume 10, Issue 3: Dead in the Water
May 2018
Print & Online:
Creative Non-Fiction - "An Apology to My Housemate" (p. 40)
Volume 10, Issue 1: X
February 2018
Print & Online:
Feature Article - "Cunts and Karl Marx: A Report from the E7B Male Bathrooms" (p. 40)
Fiction - "The Planet Eater" (p. 52)
Review - Star Wars: The Last Jedi (p. 60)
Volume 9, Issue 6: Worms
September 2017
Print & Online:
Feature Article - "My Best Friend's A Budgie, But Am I His?" (p. 38)
Issue 10
Role: Editor, proofreader, copyeditor
Editorial (co-author with Hannah Armstrong, Sarah Joseph & Ryan Hunter)
Print & Online:
Fiction - "Intro to House-Ape Studies" (p. 29)
Editorial - Fiction (co-author with Jasmine Aird, Hannah Armstrong & Ryan Hunter)
2008 Issue 3
Fiction - "Flagretia, Queen of Fire" (p. 20)
Fiction - "The Ants"
Note: I have a very distinct memory of this happening, but I can't find any record of it on the internet - Comet has since gone defunct. So feel free to assume I'm lying!