Literary Publications
From time to time, someone values my writing enough to put it on their website (or even in physical print!). These are those stories.
Cover art by Kathleen Notohamiprodjo
Cover art by Kathleen Notohamiprodjo
Volume 11, Issue 1: Plastic
March 2018
Non-fiction - “Money, Money, Money: Where have our scholarships gone?” (p. 12)
Cover by Sam van Vliet
Volume 10, Issue 8: Lost Property
November 2018
Print & Online:
Longform Review - “Video Games & Mental Health” (p. 44)
Cover by Brittany Klein art
Volume 10, Issue 3: Dead in the Water
May 2018
Print & Online:
Creative Non-Fiction - "An Apology to My Housemate" (p. 40)
Cover by Brittany Klein art
Volume 10, Issue 1: X
February 2018
Print & Online:
Feature Article - "Cunts and Karl Marx: A Report from the E7B Male Bathrooms" (p. 40)
Fiction - "The Planet Eater" (p. 52)
Review - Star Wars: The Last Jedi (p. 60)
Cover by Brittany Klein art
Volume 9, Issue 6: Worms
September 2017
Print & Online:
Feature Article - "My Best Friend's A Budgie, But Am I His?" (p. 38)
Cover by Alice Maher
Cover art by Ailie MacKenzie, design by Teresa Peni
Issue 10
Role: Editor, proofreader, copyeditor
Editorial (co-author with Hannah Armstrong, Sarah Joseph & Ryan Hunter)
Print & Online:
Fiction - "Intro to House-Ape Studies" (p. 29)
Editorial - Fiction (co-author with Jasmine Aird, Hannah Armstrong & Ryan Hunter)
2008 Issue 3
Fiction - "Flagretia, Queen of Fire" (p. 20)
Fiction - "The Ants"
Note: I have a very distinct memory of this happening, but I can't find any record of it on the internet - Comet has since gone defunct. So feel free to assume I'm lying!